Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Bench 3

295 x 3 @ 8
305 x 3 @ 9
315 x 3 @ 10-

Not bad. Elbow pain was a 3, but abated fairly quickly.

loose quadded light bands:
275 x 5
added quadded monster minis:
305 x 5
315 x 5, 5

The light bands were really provided any pop off the chest. Probably 2-3" of no-support at the top, so I wanted to emphasize off-chest speed.

Finished with a tri-set of shoulder raises, pull ups (4 x 8) and cable triceps. Then a super set of shrugs and cable crunches, and then scap push ups. My abs were fried from the ss-bar yesterday.

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