Saturday, December 27, 2008

The Devil's Lair: DE Squat 2

Box Squat: 145x2x12

For some reason, I am not getting the "sit-back" part of the squat down. These were still kyle-speed, but I felt like I was using more hamstrings and glutes to squat it up (a small step for kylekind).

A loooong break here b/c it was Saturday and I needed to help spot and run the Monolift. Saturdays are the days that most people squat, and squat they did. One of the guys, Luigi, worked up to a relatively easy single at 7 plates after speed squatting wearing only briefs. Oh yeah, he broke his arm a couple of months ago as well. Crazy.

Speed Pulls (against purples): 225x1, 1, 1
275x1, 1, 1

My form is getting better on sumo. More hips, less back. I just need to figure out my squat.

Reverse hyper and abs to finish.

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