Thursday, December 18, 2008

The Devil's Lair: Bench (Post #600)

2-Board: 185x1

DB Bench (palms in): 55x5
75x5, 5, 5

T-bar Row (machine): 2 plates x 10
3x10, 10

Rear Delt Raise (1 arm): 25x10/10, 10/10

Forearm Hammer Thing: 2x4 exercisesx10 reps

Ted was coaching my bench today. We really hammered the setup of the bench, which turned out to be very, very helpful. The 205 went up pretty fact for me, and he showed me a trick for keeping my elbows in. Never thought my back could get that tired just benching.

On the food side of things, I lost weight during finals week. I weighed in at 200lbs today. Ted told me I had 100lbs to gain, but that I needed to go back to UCLA at 215. Wonder how long it will take him to make me into a SHW?