Thursday, September 1, 2011

Bench Assistance

Standing press
125 x 3 @7
135 x 3 @8
145 x 3 @9
155 x 3 @10- (PR)

Dumbbell rows (straps)
160 x 10, 10

CG Bench
135 x 8
145 x 8
155 x 8
165 x 8

Barbell shrugs
405 x 10
455 x 8, 8
No chalk, but still my grip and traps both felt weak as hell today. Could be from trying to keep the upper back tight on bench day and deadlift day. Could be fatigue from the dumbbell rows. Or most likely, could be my gaping vag filled with personal problems.

Supersetted shrugs with 3 sets of curls.

1 comment:

Misael said...

congrats on the PR Vit!