Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Luke 5-31-11 GPP and meet videos

Prowler Pushes
7 short trips + 2 trips to the second light pole, no puking, but felt dizzy and sick

2nd attempt Bench: 215- success

2nd attempt Squat: 400- success, @10

3rd attempt Squat: 410- success, 10 pound PR, felt like @10+
kinda ugly

3rd attempt Deadlift: 455- success, @10-

4th attempt Deadlift: 470- success, @10/10-

OK I deleted the 5 separate videos and replaced them with one so it loads faster


Vit said...

Great work on the massive squat Luke...But man, from now on in every squat workout you HAVE to remind whoever is watching you to scream "knees out" on every heavy rep.

Ideally you should be pushing your knees out and your feet should be spreading the floor aka tight against the side of your shoes. In this squat your knees are bowing so badly that the outside of your left foot is coming off of the ground.

The weights you're putting up are very impressive. I just don't want to see you get injured because of a problem that could be fixed.

Kyle said...

^ What Vit said

Luke said...

I'll have to try to "spread the floor" I've noticed the weight shift to over my big toe when I am coming up from the squat.

Nick said...

The weight shift is a sign from your body telling you that you have something needing to be addressed, no biggie just work on it