Friday, June 24, 2011

Luke 6-24-11 Lower Back

I was a little worried going into this workout because I hurt my back on monday squatting. I gave it an extra day off before this workout and went a little lighter to ease back into things.

5 minutes of rowing to warmup

Good Mornings
135 x 10
185 x 7
225 x 5 @ 7
275 x 5 @ 8-
295 x 5 @ 8- only felt a little bit of pain in my lower back when I reracked it, but not during the lift

Zercher Squats
135 x 5
185 x 5 @ 7
225 x 5 @ 8
245 x 5 @ 9
The huge ass 24 hour fitness in Arcadia has like 12 foam rollers but about zero pads for the bars so I wrapped my wrist wraps around the bar for padding on these. My biceps and forearms are all full of broken blood vessels now.

135 x 12 @ 7
185 x 12 @ 8+

hyper extensions
BW x a few
these hurt my back


Stationary Bike
4 minute tababta interval

Overall I was very happy with this workout. I hit decent depth on the good mornings and did around my PR for zerchers. Hopefully my back makes a full recovery by monday, or I may have to skip squats. I think all of my lifts have regressed a little bit since the mini meet and I hope to be back at around the same strength level or a little higher, but without feeling overtrained.

Also I made a dip belt out of chain, a carabiner, foam pipe insulation and duct tape. I tried it out last night at did a set of pullups BW + 35 x 12. It should be able to hold 200 pounds.

1 comment:

Greg said...

good work luke. the PRs you hit at the mini-meet were pretty recent, don't worry about regressing a little bit since then, just stay healthy -- it will be worth it in the long run