Monday, June 27, 2011

Luke 6-27-11 Squat

275 x 3 @ 8-
315 x 3 @ 8
345 x 3 @ 9
365 x 5 @ 9 PR My back was hurting a little bit during squats, but as long as I stayed really tight it was fine. I didn't have much time and I didn't feel like doing an extra heavy set so I decided to go for 5 reps as long as my back was feeling ok.

Pause Squat with self imposed 3 second count
315 x 3 @ 8
325 x 3 @ 9 PR

Some silly leg machines

Today was actually a really good squat day considering last week. I hit 2 PRs and although the weight felt heavy on my back from lack of heavy lifting recently, it moved pretty easily.


Vit said...


Vit said...

Nice squat numbers though.

Luke said...

actually I've been squatting without a spotter in a power rack, facing the mirror. It helps me what my knees are doing and prevents them from coming in. I just need to make a habit of it for when I go back to no mirror.