Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Bench 5

295 x 5 @ 10
275 x 5 @ 10, 5 @ 10

Rough day. My nerve damage was flaring up even before i started benching. I wasn't feeling over trained until I started benching, so it's probably a sign to take a day off to heal and rest.

Band-resisted bench:
looped greens under the bench. maybe 70 lbs?
185 x 5
205 x 5
235 x 5, 5

I couldn't really feel the bands until it hit 235. Things just seemed to press up like always. Also my hands were pain-numbed by this point, so that could have been it, haha.

Close-grip Bench:
185 x 8
205 x 8
215 x 8

Went for volume. Last set was easy

Tried rowing / pull ups, couldn't do anything. Same with curls (did 25s for whatever). Finished with ghr abs

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