Monday, August 8, 2011

Luke 8-8-11 Squat

Worked out at Arcadia. The power rack was in use by this guy doing presses who told me I was acting like a woman because I he knew I wanted the rack and then he squatted 405 x 4 to depth and told me he competed in weightlifting at the 1984 olympics for Portugal... but anyway as a result I had to use the shitty open rack with built in safeties which barely allowed me to hit depth.

315 x 10 @ 9 (60 pound PR)
decided to do one high rep set to save time, begin a new cycle and see what I could do. My hamstrings and quads were all like wtf? after this set due to biking and high rep squat.

Pause Squat
315 x 3 x 2


Abductors and Adductors

also biked 12 miles to work and back

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