Saturday, August 6, 2011

2011 CA State games of America

242 Teen Class (19 years old)
Weighed in at 235 lbs.... I was consistently weighing in at 245+ but I got Strep throat a week ago, that combined with dehydration I weighed in light.

Very Rushed Warmup, and I was really nervous. After rules briefing I had about 15 minutes to be ready on the platform for my opener, this turned a usual 45 minute process into 15...
545lbs 3 White Lights, felt strong
584lbs 3 White Lights, no grind still felt good
601 Failed a few inches above Parallel, I was just tired at this point, I lost tightness and my knees came in.

Warmups felt strong
352lbs 3 Whites Unnecessarily hard, there was still unpulled slack in my shirt.
374lbs 3 Whites easier than opener
385lbs 3 Whites Easiest Attempt, totally left some in the tank

Warmups felt average
545 3 whites, meh
584 Fail, I went out there cold and not syched, I was exhausted by this point in the meet, squat and bench killed me
584lbs 2 Whites, thanks to Vit's brothers slap.

Though I felt i could have done better, 7/9 in my first geared meet isn't bad It was a great experience and I had a ton of fun but I feel like I got run over by a truck.... Seeing as my squat suit straps are super loose I'm getting them taken in about 2 inches. This makes me very anxious to start training in gear.. I'll be in Europe for the next 2 weeks but when I come back all eyes are on 670/450/630 At Collegiates. Thank you everyone that made this happen =]


Kyle said...

Good lifting Nick! 600/400/600 is right around the corner.

Luke said...

did you deadlift raw?

Nick said...
