Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Luke 8-24-11 Bench Ed Coan wk 10

Another night of very little sleep and 9.75 hours of work meant no energy today

45 x 12, 10
95 x 7
135 x 4
175 x 1
205 x 1
225 x 2 @ 10+ PR (hit my old max for a double)
225 x 1+spot First rep felt like @ 10-, second rep the spotter said he took off about 5 pounds, I still grinded it out.

Close Grip Bench
195 x 2 @ 9+
195 x 2 @ 9

Incline Bench
185 x 2 I think the spotter was touching the bar
185 x 2 bar felt wobbly on both reps, (note don't use spin bar for incline)

Dumbbell Rows
120's x 10 x 3

Dumbbell Shrugs
100's x 20 pulling shoulders back at top
115's x 10
105's x 15
85's x 20
Gripping the dumbbells was equivalent to double overhand grip on barbell shrugs, however the dumbbells can tilt back or forward which makes it hard.

Next week I'm supposed to bench 235 x 2 x 2, CGBP 205 x 2 x 2, Incline BP 195 x 2 x 2. I don't think I can hit any of those, except possibly CGBP. I'm gonna try to bench 235 for at least a single and if I feel like I have more in the tank I can go up in weight.


Scott Salomon said...

nice lift!

Luke said...

thanks. at least someone responds to my obnoxiously large font

Greg said...

nice font!

Kyle said...