Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Bench 5

295 x 5
305 x 4 + 1f
295 x 5

kasjdfklasjdfksjdfsdf. I'm convinced that my bench strength is directly (inversely) correlated to how achy my biceps feel. Today they were @3 , which was not terrible, but I seem to lose a lot at the bottom when they tighten up. My third rep seems to suck the most for some reason too.

Pause Bench:
275 x 3, 3, 3 @ 3 sec , @ 9+, 9, 10

Kind of all over on this, though it felt easier than last week.

120 x 15
140 x 10, 10

Right elbow was iffy at first, but not too bad overall.

Then I did some wide grip lat pull down, shrugs, and ghr abs.

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