Sunday, October 9, 2011

10/9/2011 - USPA San Jose Open Powerlifting Championship

What's up guys !

So I did my first USPA meet with Diablo as a 198 and it looks like I've made some progress, except for dlift :(

Weight Class: 198
BW: 192 (after a ton of gatorade and breakfast)

1. 485 - 3 whites
2. 512 - 3 whites
3. 551 - 3 whites (surprisingly easy) 50lb Meet PR, Ted said I left about 25lbs in the tank.

1. 303 - 3 whites
2. 325 - 3 whites 50lb Meet PR
3. 340 - 3 reds, couldn't lock out with my left arm, also my leg position was a little off.

1. 485 - 3 whites
2. 518 - 3 reds, crappy set up cost me a glute cramp
3. 518 - 3 whites, this would have cost me some prowler trips if I had missed it.

Total: 1,394 88lb Meet PR

I'm doing USPA for now bc they have meets in NorCal so it's really convenient. But don't worry, the thought of drug use has never crossed my mind. Also, I'll be coming down to LA on the 28th and I'd like to join y'allz for GPP.

Keep lifting strong!





Vit said...

Impressive results Mis. Next year I'm sure you'll easily put together a 1500 lb total.

Greg said...

Awesome. Really, awesome results.

Looking forward to seeing you soon.

Greg said...

Do you have any meet vids?

Scott Salomon said...


Juggernaut, the said...

Welcome to the 198s! It's about time. Bring your bench shirt when you come and put on a clinic.

Misael said...

Thanks guys! Here are the vids. So I found out about this meet literally a week before. Ted said I shouldn't cut weight and that I should just weigh in the day of. On Saturday I woke up at 188 and then kept eating to the point of discomfort and weighed 192 on Sunday. After this it's actually back down to 181. I actually wanna get some new gear. Dave, what are the USAPL rules on competing in another federation? I tried looking all over the site but can't find them.

Kyle said...

Nice work Mis! I liked the threat of prowler trips lol

Ben said...

Mr. 500 strikes again!!! ... 551??? nice work man!! and solid benching progress too!!

Vit said...

The rule is don't ask don't tell.

Jae said...

Good shit, misael!
Are we getting schwasted on the 28th?!