Monday, October 17, 2011

Squat 3x5. Mon. 10/17.

Back Squat 3x5 (belted)
195 (@8), 205 (@9), 215 (@10)
-> (I still need to work on staying upright and keeping my elbows tucked in & directly under the bar)

Band-Lightened Squat 5x5 (belted)
-> w/ double-pinks each side
265, 295, 315, 335, 335

Low Box Squats 8x2 (belted)
135, 165, 165, 165, 165, 165, 165, 165
-> (had to rush through these with less than 40 seconds rest between almost every set so I couldn't go heavy)

Box Jumps 3x8
-> all BW, using tall box
(I substitued power cleans with box jumps to reduce overall strain on my achilles tendons - box jumps didn't seem to aggravate tendons too much but we'll see how they feel tomorrow when I walk around).

Superman Core Extensions 3x8
-> all @ 135 w/ resistance on every rep

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