Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Bench 5

295 x 5
305 x 5 @ 9+, 5 @ 10-

Getting close to my all-time PR of 310 x 5 (while weighing 220, haha)

Pause Bench:
265 x 3 @ 3sec
275 x 3, 3 @ 3 sec

4 sets til failure,

Close-grip pull ups:
5 sets til failure

405 x 10
495 x 3 sets of something

Finished with ab wheel and PNF


Vit said...

What's your current BW Dave?

Misael said...

Dave, it looks like we both need to move up a weight class...

Juggernaut, the said...

It's still light, like maybe 205?