Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Squat Day 9/6/2010


335 x 3
345 x 3
345 x 3
These were hard !!! I can't believe I could hit 375 x 2 when I was doing Texas method. But, I did focus a lot on keeping my knees out. I hunched over on two reps but other than that I felt I kept my knees out. I wish my squat would have gone up like my bench and deadlift.

Pause Squats

275 x 3
275 x 3
275 x 3
275 x 3
Perfect Weight


185 x 6
185 x 6
205 x 4
205 x 4
Going back to lunges for a while.

Superset - Frog Leaps w/ Reverse Crunches

There's a studio at the Bally's I went to and I did frog leaps back and forth and then did reverse crunches. 5 sets total.


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