Monday, September 27, 2010

First Time Squatting in the Centurion

Good squat workout today. I was glad that I got the suit to ride up more than last Thursday. Depth still hasn't happened yet though.

Squat (w/ Centurion suit)
315 x 3 (straps down) -all a few inches high
335 x 3 (straps up+knee wraps) -all 2 inches high
365 x 3 -2nd one may have been right at parallel
365 x 3 -knee wraps were tighter, about an inch high on these
Hopefully next week I can hit depth.

Band resisted squats (greens) (w/ suit on straps down)
225 x 3, 3, 3, 3

Zercher squats
185 x 5, 5, 5
Feel these in my abs the most. Definitely a weak point for me.

Finished with step ups supersetted with transversus abs on the stability ball
3 sets each
PNF stretching

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