Thursday, September 4, 2008

Upper Back and Bis

Dave inspired me to train my biceps, which have become considerably weak.

Weighted Pull-Ups (Medium Grip):
Bodyweight X 8
Plate X 8
Plate +25lb X 5 (3 sets)
Plate +35lb X 3 (2 sets) *Wasn't able to do a full pull up on the 3rd rep. Was hoping to catch up to Dave's 2 plate pull-ups, but doesn't look like it's going to happen.

Weighted Pull-Ups (Underhand Grip):
Plate X 6
Plate +25lb X 6 (4 sets)

V-Grip Seated Cable Rows:
Pin on Level 8 X 8
Pin on L 12 X 8
Pin on L 15 X 8
Pin on L 17 X 8
Pin on L 19 X 8
Pin on L 15 X 10

Seated Preacher Curls:
70lb X 8
80lb X 8 (4 sets)

Incline Dumbell Curls:
25lb X 7 (4 sets)

Hanging Leg Raises:
10 reps (5 sets)


Phil Russell said...

Brent, here is the Secret Plan for Increasing Pull-ups:

1. Do sets of 3-5
2. Do many sets (5+)
3. Count the TOTAL number of pull-ups in a session.
4. Increase my 1 pull-up per week.
5. When you can do 25 total pull-ups, add 5 lbs to the belt and start over.

Week #1: 20 total bodyweight pull-ups
Week #2: 21 total bodyweight pull-ups
Week #7: 20 total bodyweight + 5 lbs pull-ups

Of course, since you're lighter you might be able to make bigger jumps in weight (at least at first).

Here is the Secret Plan for Huge Guns:
1. Half of your pull-up sets should be chin-ups (the later sets are best since the extra work done by the biceps help)
2. Do 3 sets of heavy hammer curls after bench.


Phil Russell said...


4. Increase *by 1 pull-up per week

Juggernaut, the said...

Hammer curls work the brachioradialis more than the biceps. Hence, the incline curls with the 30 lb. dumbbell made my biceps sore for 2 days, while the hammer curls with the 90 lb. dumbbells had no effect on my biceps.

In my opinion, if you want stronger biceps, you should train biceps.

Phil Russell said...

Sure. I just don't agree with training for muscle groups for powerlifting. IMO, it should be centered around movements. YOu're going to get plenty of beach work done for you by hitting the primary lifts harder. So chin-ups are about the best "bicep" exercise I can think of. Hammer curls are just fun, and not in any way necessary.

Nathan Beckmann said...

MY TWO CENTS: Brent you have strong pull-ups and you're making progress. Keep doing what you're doing.