I didn't bring my belt, so just chalk and headphones for all of this.
Free Back Squat:
315 x 2
365 x 2
385 x 2
405 x 1
Rippetoe-Style Standing Overhead Press:
185 x 2
225 x 2
245 x 1 (slight push)
So I'll say that might strict overhead max is 235.
Power Cleans:
185 x 2
225 x 2
235 x 2
245 x 1
255 x FAIL
Nuts. Need to keep plugging away on these and perfecting the form.
Standing Ab Pull:
Worked up to:
172 x 3
45" Back Raise:
Bodyweight, 3 x 12-15 (supersetted with the ab pulls)
Why the overhead press on what looks like a leg day? Are you incorporating a variety of stuff on your deload days?
Dear Dave, deload days are the province of the mighty god THOR. I simply enact his chaotic will upon this lowly earth.
Mein Zorn kann nicht verweigert werden, während ich in den himmlischen Strudel tauche!
By what logic is this in any way a deload work out? As far as I see, you went for a heavy single on three movements, then a triple for an accessory.
I do not understand.
What is a standing ab pull and how do you do it?
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