My calves and biceps are crazy sore after yesterday. I need to do more of them.
Speed bench w/ quaded-purples:
9 sets of 3 at 135.
Military Press:
Did these from a weird combo rack where you start with the weight on your chest instead of taking it off the pins.
185 x 5
185 x 4
155 x 10
155 x 6
Tricep Death:
A compound set of 5 5-rep sets, starting with the 1-board working up to the 5-board. I did 185 last time, so you're supposed to go up in weight next. I managed to get two of these giant set in.
195 - close grip (all of them. w00t.)
185 - wide grip (you're only supposed to do one set, but I like doing this the regular grip too)
Skull Crushers:
Assume the bar weights 20lbs? It's unknown.
110 x 10
120 x 10
130 x 8
140 x 6
Cable Flyes + Hammer Curls:
Supersets, ftw.
40lbs per side x 20
40 x 18
50 x 15
50 x 13
hammer curls:
60lb dumbbell x 8 per arm
70 x 8
80 x 6
90 x 4
The high rep flyes feel awesome for loosening up my pecs and shoulders after all that work. I've been trying to really stretch at the bottom to improve my chest flexibility for posture reasons.
Dear Dave, by "Military Press" do you mean this, standing with a narrow stance (ie your heels touching, hence the term military), or do you mean "seated overhead press"?
I mean this.
Amazingly enough, that was actually a pretty good answer
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