So I've been thinking a lot about what we might do to recruit new members. A few questions come to mind (in no order):
- What kind of people are we looking to recruit?
- What are going to be our main selling points?
- Are we going to try to "do something"
Question 1: I think we should take anyone who wants to learn. Partly, because we need 10 warm bodies if we're ever going to be an official team. Also, I think we are organized enough at this point that if someone really does want to start training, we should be able to help them get started and be competitive to some degree before the quarter is out.
Question 2: I have no idea what we should try to focus on. Why join the Powerlifting team over Rugby? or Flag Football? or some other IM team. Clearly, if you work hard with us, you will get stronger. Most people will likely lose weight / gain muscle size. However, I don't want us to seem like some fit club where pretzys show up to get buff. At the same time though, I don't want us to come off like a bunch of muscle heads who are not interested in anything but getting stronger. I think we should definitely emphasize the competitive part. Have a schedule of our meets or something. And pictures from them too. Maybe we make a flier? I haven't been to any of these things so if someone knows what other teams do, that would help.
Question 3: I am all in favor of us having some gimmick that people see or try out for themselves and can go "oh shit, that was hard and those guys make it look easy." A part of me is interested in whether we could get/borrow a Prowler in time to use it for a mini contest of sorts. Sort of like that pull-up contest at the Fit Expo. Except the Prowler brings pain like no other. Winner gets some sort of prize? I'd like to see something where people gauge where their strength level is and maybe motivate them to think about joining. Having us do crazy lifts might work, but we'd need to drag a few hundred pounds of weight out of Wooden. Also, I'm not sure how fun it would be to put on some dog-and-pony show where we deadlift every half our or something. Does Mike have anything we could borrow? Maybe we could beg James Burdette for something cool?
So, thoughts? I really want us to look badass and sign up some good people, but I am not sure what is the best way.
Well, since we're basically UCLA Strength & Power, we should point out that we do all sorts of strength sports:
- Olympic Weightlifting
- Strongman
- Powerlifting
- Highland Games
If we could get some Strongman shit, that would be pretty bad-ass. Telling some pretzy to flip a 500 lbs tire is good for laughs anyhow. I'll see if Brittany's dad has any clue where we could get something like that.
1) I agree that we should take anyone that wants to learn...however, we don't want people jumping on board just so they can say they are a part of "UCLA Strength and Power" (or whatever our official name would be) nor do we want people thinking this is some sort of free/cheap personal training thing. I feel like we are serious about getting stronger and being competitive, and we need to recruit members that have the same attitude. Having too much "dead weight" could potentially weaken the team.
At the same time, it'd be really weird to have a tryout/require minimal wilks total...I'm really not sure how that would work...
Also, "practices"/training should be considered as well. We'd need experienced guys and new guys mixed together, but it'd be tough to get everyone working out at the same time..
2) Definitely should push the "competitive" aspect of it...breaking records, qualifying for nationals, etc. Lifting a lot of weight is also pretty badass. I also like that you learn a lot about training in general...proper technique, lots of different exercises, injury prevention, etc.
Also, we probably have the best blog out of any UCLA organization.
We can definitely do fliers, some sort of sign board with pictures on it, and make our facebook group more active or even make some sort of facebook event for recruitment. Perhaps Converse Chucks can be used for marketing since they're sort of a trademark of ours at Wooden.
3) Some sort of "gimmick" is a great idea. Something that's fun/fun to watch but also challenging...
I also like the idea of including other strength help might be tougher to come by for people interested in those sports, but I feel like the main idea is that we're a team and we support each other, like Jake supporting us and vice versa.
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