Friday, October 7, 2011


Hi everyone, it's good to see a lot of new lifters posting on the blog. Here are some updates from this past week of training:

Worked up to 540 for a single with straps down in the Super Centurion suit and got down to about 3.5 inches above parallel, which is lower than last week. My back is tending to fold over the closer I get into the hole. It is a form issue but hopefully it gets a little better once the suit is broken in more so I can descend quicker (descent is slow now because I'm just not used to this much weight on my back and not fully confident in the suit yet).

Worked up to 345 for a single in the Katana shirt and got it down to about a 3.5 board. Keeping my arch in the shirt is getting better but it's still far from perfect.

Did speed pulls with 225 against quadded mini bands for five singles. I used my old Centurion suit for these. The plan was to take the straps in inch but I think I've put on some weight and it was pretty hard to grab the bar. I'll hold off on any tailoring until after I try it out again next week.

1 comment:

Ryan said...

Vit, our team is running strong. I'd guess we have somewhere in the realm of 45 people coming to three different practice times. We've gained a lot of members this year.