Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Return of the Squat (and posting)

Computer was dead for a week; I've almost finished back-posting all the workouts. Hamstring and lower back are recovered. Only the belt today.

405 x 1
445 x 1
475 x 1
405 x 5, 2 sets

I came forward slightly on the 475, but still gutted it out. I'm still not as comfortable sitting back in heeled shoes when the weight gets heavy. Hopefully this improves as the training cycle progresses. USAPL judges agreed that the last two sets were to parallel, so at least I'm getting depth.

Pause Squat:
All 3 seconds
405 x 2
365 x 3, 2 sets

Definitely noticed not having those suit bottoms on for these, haha. I plan to work these pretty hard to emphasize sitting back in the hole.

SS-bar Box Squat:
145 x 8
235 x 8
255 x 8
275 x 8

These are feeling better. I need to make sure to take a wider stance to get more hip engagement off the box, or the reps feel like grinders.

Finished with some leg extensions for prehab and ball reverse hypers.

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