Saturday, September 12, 2009

9/12 Press

Incline Bench: 95x8
165x7, 4 PR

Seated Military: 95x8
135x8, 4 PR

Dips: BWx8

The inclines and seated military went quite well today. PR's on both in the first sets. When I hit the 10-12 rep range with these I will bump the weight up. When it came to the dips though, I felt weak. Probably a combination of not doing dips for a while and my shoulders being super tired from the previous sets.

I will be coming down to LA on Thursday night, and moving in on Friday, so I should be able to lift on Saturday if anyone will be there. Probably mid-afternoon in terms of timing.


Greg said...

I'm getting into LA on saturday morning. Do you have any plan or time when you are going to be lifting?

Kyle said...

I was thinking maybe before dinner (6pm), which would make that around 3-4 pm?

Greg said...

seems good to me, I'm not 100% sure I'll be able to make it but that seems like the best time