Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Another article, a rare good one from T-Nation

I'm going to implement this.

Also, this should help with thrusting strength... Just another reason to work those glutes, especially if you're into larger women.


Juggernaut, the said...

Good luck with that. The hip thrusts look promising, but it still looks like love working out so much that you're humping a barbell. There's no way we wouldn't get kicked out of wooden for that, hahaha.

Kyle said...

In the vein of my previous video on How to Spot the Deadlift, I would like to know how to spot this exercise. Thanks.

Juggernaut, the said...

I'm pretty sure you have to straddle the person, while looking them in the eye. Should they begin to fail, you firmly - but lovingly - grasp your partner's glutes and gently bring them to floor.