Saturday, September 12, 2009

Nathan : 9/11 Videos

Deadlifts: Slight round in lower back, but it doesn't get worse as the rep progresses at least. I think this is more an issue of set-up than strength.

Chain squat : I'm leaning way more forward than I thought I was.

Chain squat w/ belt : Leaning slightly less forward, but still not what I thought I looked like.


Juggernaut, the said...

If you're going to be doing a form review, you should probably do something that is more equivalent to a work set. You have good base, so correct form should be easy for you with lighter weights. However, if you were to hit 455 x 5, how would your form change as different muscles tire?

(disclaimer: Todd was giving me a hard time about the same thing, so I have been guilty of this too)

Nathan Beckmann said...

You are, obviously, completely correct. I just happened to realize during this workout that my phone had a video camera, and I hadn't done these lifts in a long time (or ever) so I wanted to see what I looked like. Then I thought, why the hell don't I put them up on the tubes?

Juggernaut, the said...

Ah, ok. well post more videos then!