Thursday, September 3, 2009

Dead Deadlift

405 x ughhh
455 x ugggg

Felt completely dead on these. Not sure if it was overtraining, but I stopped at 455 to avoid injury. I'm thinking maybe the heavy squatting on monday did this, as I felt great last thursday.

Since deadlift was out of the picture, I worked on heavy upper back

405 x 15
455 x 15
495 x 12
545 x 10
595 x 8, 8

These felt great, with no problem on the rack pull to get off the block. I even managed the 595 with no belt.

225 x 5
285 x 7, 2 sets
315 x 2

These hurt my arms so badly. I need to figure out another way to hold the bar so I can keep going up in weight.

Seated Deadlifts:
Another new exercise, which was interesting. You do a sumo deadlift with the start position being seated on a box. There's a lot of hip drive, which seemed pretty useful. I might try to incorporate these more often, as you can get a decent workout with less weight.

Finished with cable abs and hamstring curls.

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