Saturday, September 19, 2009

Nathan : 9/18 & 9/19

1. 9/19/09 - Sat - BENCH LOCKOUT

Time: 2:00. Weight: 222 (after gym).

  Realized that I could use bands instead of chains and I don't have to go to TPS. So I did my first lifting at the Z center in months.

  This ended up being a pretty hard workout. I'm quite satisfied; I feel like I hit all of my reps at the right RPE without overshooting at all.

Warm-up : bike 10 mins

Reverse band bench w/ purples warm-up, 245x3 @ 8 (too light, doesn't count), 275x3x2 @ 8, 285x3x1 

@ 8, 295x3x3 @ 9

If they go straight down, bands stop slightly below my lockout. Because they are pulled to the side a bit, I'd guess there is about 5 lbs of total tension at the top, but hard to say. Very little regardless. Video on second and sixth set.

Floor press warm-up, 225x5x5 @ 9-10

This is my lockout assistance. 225 was a very good weight for this, last sets were slow. Video on fifth set.

A: Dips BW+45 x 6,8,6,6

Want to incorporate some kind of movement that lets my shoulders move freely. This supplement slot is a good place for it.

A: Pull-ups 10, 8, 8, 8

Was going to slack off and do something lame, but then Frank said he didn't think I could do 6 pull-ups. Well, I can, damn it.

2. 9/18/09 - Fri - DEADLIFT

Time: 2:00. Weight: ??

  I'm way too slow on the early exercises, I need to speed up a lot.

Warm-up : bike 10 mins

Conventional deadlift 135x5x3, 225x5x3, 315x4, 365x3, 405x2x6 @ 8

Video on second and last set. Back isn't perfectly straight on any of these, it is a flexibility issue.

Squat w/ chains 135x5x3, 225x5, 275x5, 275+80x3, 275+120x3x5 @ 8-9

Going for 3x6. Video on first set with 120 chain and last set. Went barefoot to try that out. Felt pretty good so I will stick with this for a few weeks.

Rack pull 2'' below knee

Skipped due to time constraints, again. Need to get faster.

Abs - V-ups 10, 10, 15, 15

Asked Dee what ab exercise I should do. She told me to do these. They were brutal.


20090918 - second set dead 405 x 2

As I said, back isn't perfect on these, but I've never had perfect conventional deadlift form. So I'll just deal with it since it is at least consistent, and doesn't seem to get worse with increasing weight.

I don't notice too big a difference without shoes, but I did like how it felt so I will stick with this for a little while. My ass pops out a little bit, which I would rather it didn't, but overall I'm not too displeased about my form.

Pretty happy with my arch and form on these. Ass comes up a little bit, but I blame that on the bench I was using that has a big whole where I want to set my ass down to keep it in place. I didn't realize my entire belly was exposed, which amuses me.

Last rep is slow. Not much else to say about this.


Juggernaut, the said...

You need to buy a longer shirt for when bench, haha.

Also, your squats w/ chains weren't to depth, from what I could see. You definitely don't hit the hole noticeably, but your depth might pass if the judge didn't get a clear view. It's close but needs to be 1" deeper.

And what's with the calf sleeves. Knee sleeves, elbow sleeves, calf sleeves, forearm sleeves. I'm going to buy you a neck warmer for Christmas and claim it's a neck sleeve so you can be fully supported for all your workouts.

Nathan Beckmann said...

LOL, I know. My belly amuses me.

Disagree. I think depth is fine. The lines on the side of the short can throw you off. I went until chains were deloaded regardless. I'm an IPA lifter now anyway. But seriously, my depth only gets better with more weight so this isn't a concern.

Those aren't "calf sleeves" lol, but it does look ridiculous. I just keep forgetting to put on my knee sleeves, which I guess is a good sign because that means my knees aren't bothering me. I'm looking forward to the neck warmer. That will be useful for Boston winter.