Monday, December 7, 2009

Squatting in the rain

Back was more sore than expected from last thursday. I got that cramp thing going at the top when coming up too quickly. Decided to do some suit work today to focus on hitting depth with it. Did everything with the straps down.

405 x 3
435 x 3
455 x 3
475 x 3

All felt easy. By the 475, I had a good feel for where depth was and was reliably hitting it convincingly. Now let's see if I can do that with the straps up.

Band-resisted Box Squat:
275 + purples x 4
225 + purples & greens x 4
275 + purples & greens x 4
275 + purples & greens x 4

Everything felt light. The combination of a belt, suit and low box was pretty brutal though. My ribs felt like they were getting crushed every rep. If my forearm ever heals, I want to go much heavier on these.

185 x 8 per leg
205 x 8 per leg

Finished with some transversus

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