Friday, December 11, 2009

deadening lift

Block Pulls:
400 x 3
450 x 3, 3
490 x 3?
(Vit help me out here with the numbers)

Felt like death on these. Lower back still isn't 100% from last week. The weight felt fine once I got it off the blocks, but the pain level was @9 for getting it moving.

Good Mornings:
315 x 5
365 x 5
405 x 5

Wasn't sure how these would feel, so I started light. Felt fine. I think I may work these in more often.

Finished with band-resisted hyperextensions (blue band) with pause/gaze at the top, supersetted with banded hamstring curls (green band). Both felt great. My lower back felt better after all that work than it did going in.

1 comment:

Vit said...

I'm pretty sure the weights on block pulls were: 343, 393, and 443