Sunday, December 20, 2009

12/16/09 Shirted Bench

I have been away from home and haven't had the chance to upload my logs.

Bench (shirted):
315 x 3 on 3-board
335 x 1 on 2-board
335 x fail on 1-board (got out of the groove and dumped it slightly towards my stomach. also the weights felt heavy today and i tweaked my left wrist and had some pretty major pain shooting down my forearm while supporting the weights)
345 x fail off chest (wrist issues)
wanted to quit here due to severe pain, but my buddies forced me to do another set
365 x 1 EASY off 1-board
this was a PR and felt like speed work. finally hit the groove in the right spot. wrist hurt like a mother fucker tho.

Seated DB Shoulder Press:
60s x 12
65s x 12
70s x 12

Lat Pulldowns:
165 x 10
185 x 8
185 x 8

Banded Tricep Extensions (purple):
4 sets of 10

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