Saturday, December 5, 2009

12/5 Training

Standing Press: 85x5
110x10 PR

T-bar Rows: 90x10

Modified Extensions: 65x12
75x12, 12, 12

DB Curls: 32.5x8, 10, 10

Nothing too crazy today. Hit a nice PR on the standing press (switched it b/c push press was feeling inconsistent). Still playing with the assistance work though, and seeing which rep schemes/exercises feel best. I know that my triceps are getting to be much more involved with my pressing strength, and I am giving them the attention they deserve. My lats and upper back are always important for benching and deadlifting strength, so I'm hitting those hard twice a week. I'm trying more raise-type motions for the shoulders as of late, and seeing how those work out (rotating between front, side, and rear raises). The only thing that might seem out of place is the increased bicep work. I have recently discovered that my biceps have gotten very weak, so I need to make sure that they wont hold me back.

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