Sunday, December 6, 2009


After fucking absolutely dominating the Bench and Squat days this week with new PRs, I was ready to give deadlift the business.

Deadlift (sumo):
243x3 (felt pretty easy)
260-f (This was the beginning of a day of frustration. My PR deadlift is 280 and I couldn't even get this off the ground. My glutes were super sore)

Deadlift off Blocks (conventional)
260-f (More frustration. Can't get it off the blocks. Glutes on fire. I blame EAGLE GLUTTTE MACHINNNNEEEE)
175xf (FUCK THIS SHIT... At least USC lost.)

Watching Pete Carroll's face after the USC loss was the highlight of my day. I tried to do a sitting deadlift of 155, but couldn't stand back awful day overall.

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