Wednesday, June 17, 2009


I tried to do the 70% 3x3, 75% 3x3, 80% 3x2 that Jake suggested for working on form a couple of weeks ago, but I was a little tired at the end of it I think because 1) I haven't deadlifted in 3 weeks and 2) the percentages were based on the 381 max I hit 3 weeks ago, which I did with not-so-great form.

I had my brother watch me do a few sets to see how my lower back arch was.
265 x 3, 3, 3 -arch was good on all these
285 x 3, 3, 3 -lower back started to round slightly in the middle of the movement on the last set so I didn't want to do the doubles at 80%
305 x 1 -very slight rounding in the lower back
285 x 1 -arch was good

I have a couple of questions for Jake:
1) Previously you suggested doing this at the beginning of every deadlift workout, but would it be too much volume to do assistance exercises after this too (like good mornings or SLDL's)?
2) Should these numbers be based on a lower max since the 381 wasn't done with good form?

Lying leg curls
90 x 10, 10, 10, 8

Side bends
45 x 10, 10, 10

GHR abs
BW x 20, 20, 20


Kyle said...

Vit, try the assistance exercises and if you feel too run down, then you probably shouldn't do them. In the grand scheme of things 2x8 Good Mornings or something along those lines should do more good than harm.

Also, if you are worried about recovery, eat more and sleep more. You'd be suprised at what your body can deal with.

Jake Ceccarelli said...

You can probably leave the 381 max. Once you get your work capacity up from the additional volume you'll be able to handle the weight well. If you can't do the doubles at 80% just do singles. I'll defer to the rest of you about whether it would be better to compromise form slightly to get the doubles.

In Sheiko the assistance exercises are pretty much just for prehab (and flexibility?). In Westside the assistance lifts are essentially main lifts as well. I'd say you can pick 1 assistance exercise and do it heavy afterward, but no more than that. You could also do your normal ME deadlift session beforehand, then do the 70-75-80 workout, then do some medium/light assistance like you did today.

Do you train alone or with the team?

Vit said...

I train alone now and probably for most of the summer. Would it help my form more if I just tried a beginner Sheiko cycle?

Jake Ceccarelli said...

The short answer is yes. Just use your current maxes. Is there any kind of official team training plan/template?

Vit said...

Not really, especially now since most of us aren't around UCLA for the summer.

For Sheiko programs should there be some rowing movements added in to balance out all of the pressing?

Jake Ceccarelli said...

I'd do what Nathan does with it. Look at his blog.

Nathan Beckmann said...

@ Vit: I had the same worries about upper back work when I started Sheiko, and I included one day per week to do *light* upper back work as well as some abdominals, etc.

But as I've been on the program longer, I'm constantly surprised at how tired / sore my upper back gets just from the main lifts, especially deadlifts. Even pressing tightens up my upper back (a good bench press uses the upper back muscles as well).

So now all I really do is occasional upper back assistance if I'm feeling *really* recovered, but generally I try to use the rowing machine or do *extremely* light upper back work on off days. I basically fold the muscle groups I'm worried about into my GPP work on the off-days.