Thursday, June 11, 2009


Just me and Sunny tonight. Greg was out with one of his 17 girlfriends.

450 x 8
500 x 8

Did the full set-down on every rep. Hamstring felt 100% so I started trying my old set-up where I pre-load the hamstrings. That felt so much easier off the ground, but I'm still a little nervous in the back of my mind for injuring myself again.

Good Mornings:
275 x 10
315 x 10

Worked on stretching the hamstrings with a hard arch.

Finished with hamstring curls, cable abs and seated calf raises


Jake Ceccarelli said...

Do you go low enough on the good mornings for your lower back to round?

Juggernaut, the said...

Maybe I used to? It's more that I'm extremely conscious of the arch in my lower back. Lately, I just go down as far as I can while still maintaining an arch. The hamstrings get a pretty good stretch from this, which is a nice side effect.

Jake Ceccarelli said...

I was just wondering. What you're doing is exactly what I would suggest. I would also suggest that when the other guys do good mornings they do the same thing.