Wednesday, August 27, 2008


- Deadlift to knees 265x4 (50%), 315x3 (60%), 370x4 (70%), 395x4x3 (75%)
- Bench 135x4 (50%), 165x4 (60%), 195x4x2
(70%), 205x3x2 (75%), 220x2x2 (80%), 235x1x2 (85%), 220x2x2 (80%), 205x3x2 (75%), 195x4 (70%), 180x6 (65%), 150x6 (55%)
x Flies 25x10x5
Was supposed to do these, didn't see them in the program, so I didn't.
- Deadlift from knees 315x4 (60%), 370x3x2 (70%), 420x4x3 (80%)
Sumo stance, as always.
- Lunge 135x5x5
- Decline abs 25x10, 45x10, 70x10
Not sure how much to do for this, maybe 70x10x3 or 90x10x3.

OK today was interesting in a few ways.

I discovered my first signs that MIT's gym (the Z-center) isn't the Eutopia I thought it to be. First, they have no deadlift bars (none of their bars have knurling in the middle where you grip for sumo). Since I also didn't have chalk, this made today pretty awesome. Especially on the rack pulls, because I had to pull slowly at the start in order to keep my grip. Good news is they allow chalk, once I get some. (Dave??? <3 <3 <3)

I also tried talking to the front desk guys about getting some equipment -- deadlift bar, SS bar, glute ham. When I got to the glute ham, things went way off track. I was trying to explain it to the pretzy at the counter, and he started telling me they had hack squat machines. So I tried again. Then I showed him it on his computer on elitefts. He tried explaining how I could do hyperextensions on the machine they had. So I tried explaining to him that you don't bend your hips. At which point he told me it was bad for your knees, or something. So I told him it was a good exercise and exited the conversation as friendly as possible. Because of this talk and other shit, I ended up have huge pauses in between sets.

I also noticed that the average MIT person seems to know more about exercising (three different groups doing box squats in 3 visits?!), but is much weaker than average. I think I've seen two people other than myself benching more than one plate. I haven't seen anyone attempt 2 plates. The strongest guy is easily the German guy Rene, who was maxing out squats at 295.

I guess that sums it up. I probably forgot something, today was pretty fucked up.

I also need to get more consistent in my bench groove. I seem to change it every rep.

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