Friday, August 15, 2008


- Bench 135x5 (50%), 165x4 (60%), 195x4 (70%), 205x3 (75%), 220x2x2 (80%), 235x1x2 (85%), 220x2x2 (80%), 205x3 (75%), 180x5 (65%), 150x5 (55%)
- Flies 25x10x5 (10%)
- Squat 205x5 (50%), 245x3x2 (60%), 285x3x2 (70%), 305x3x4 (75%)
- Dips Bodyweight x8x5
- Good morning 165x5x5 (40%)

37 sets today. 13 of bench and 9 of squats (including warm ups).

Today is the awesome bench pyramid and heavy squats.

Dean is leaving for Vegas so we trained at 10:30 am. This is right after I wake up, which is no good for me.

With my new squat form, I force my knees out really hard (like I'm supposed to). This works great for keeping me healthy, but weights above 70% (like the four sets today) really stress my glute's ability to keep the knees out. The result is my hips shooting up, just like old times. I will need to really hammer the glutes on rehab days while avoiding overtraining. Fun times.

Keep an eye out for Monday's log + videos. Dean will be using his katana for the first time.

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