Friday, August 22, 2008

Deadlift Day

When I showed up to the gym, they guys were all in training mode doing band-resisted deadlifts with the quad minis. They main guy Steve was saying that Dan, who was currently up, had been talking smack about my deadlift ability. Dan started laughing so he obviously had not been, but Steve was just trying to goad me to see if I could pull Dan's weight, so I gave it a shot after Dan got a single. I ended up pulling 400 + quaded minis with no belt. It wasn't too bad but the guys thought I was retarded for being able to do that without any warmup. I guess it sort of set the stage for them goading me on my actual main exercise, haha.

Band-assisted deadlifts:
did these with the greens. I think they were slack at the top.
515 x 5 (no belt)
605 x 5 (no belt)

At this point the guys were like "might as well go 700 since you did that first rep so easy," so I said ok, provided I could use a belt...

700 x utter fail, not even off the floor

I got pissed at this, as it's been like 3 years since i've failed on the floor. So then in pissed off mode:
700 x 3" from lockout
700 x 3" from lockout
700 x 3" from lockout

I did all these in about 30 seconds, where I would fail at lockout, get pissed staring at the bar, and try it again. Really, I should have gotten at least one of these. The guys said I was close but that's not really good enough. Possible reasons for my sluggishness:
  1. 25 mile bike ride the day before
  2. 80 minutes of ultimate frisbee at lunch today
  3. That gin martini I had with the guys from work right before I went to the gym
I will get that 700 next week for sure

Good mornings:
235 x 8
325 x 8
415 x 5

The lower back was kind of tired from those raw deadlifts.

Belt Squats:
Hadn't ever tried these. Wanted to work the legs without the lower back so they seemed like a good option.
100 x 10
145 x 10
200 x 2

These are awkward. Getting on the box is hard, and the belt throws off your form a little bit, so if you lean back like you want, you actually fall backwards.

I was pretty burnt at this point so I finished with a few sets of banded hamstring curls with the blue bands this time, and scap pulls.