Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Power snatch above knees 67/4 x 2, 77/2 x 4
Clean and jerk 102/2 x 4
Jerks 102/3 (was supposed to get 4 sets but just couldn't bring myself to do it)

Skipped clean pulls and squats

Basketball with Nathan for 2 hours. Sweated like a gallon of water.
Rock Band. Also with Nathan. Played the drums. Felt the burn.

Back feels 100% better and surprisingly quads feel great. Glutes and hamstrings feel like hell and will barely let me pull the bar off the ground or squat deep. I'm going to cut tomorrow's volume too so I don't make a fool of myself Saturday when I test my lifts.

Not a big deal about missing/cutting volume because I feel like the last few weeks have setup a pretty strong base for the next cycle.

1 comment:

Nathan Beckmann said...

Great night, buddy. I'm happy we didn't go out to bars, I had way more fun with this stuff than I could have at Brew Co.. <3 See you in a couple months.