Wednesday, August 13, 2008


- Deadlift, sumo stance 265x3 (50%), 315x5x2 (60%), 370x3x2 (70%), 395x3x3 (75%)
- Bench 150x5 (55%), 180x5 (65%), 195x4x4 (70%)
- Dips Bodyweight x8x5
- Deadlift off pins, sumo stance, below knee 265x3 (50%), 315x4x2 (60%), 370x3x2 (70%), 420x3x3 (70%)
- Lunge 135x5x5 (~30%)

32 sets today. Nothing really to say about them except it was long, but not too difficult. Later weeks should get heavier.

We met these two british guys in the gym today. They want to work with us some time. One of them is named "Basil". Pretty awesome.

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