Monday, August 11, 2008

Article Discussion: Deadlift Assistance

This is one of the big articles that got me started. It points out movements that are much more useful towards the squat and DL. Instead of the leg extension and leg curl machines, try these.

Example: Box Squats

Note the problem area that Robertson states: "poor starting strength"

This was a huge deal for me. I would get crunched just above the hole on squats (not enough speed to break through after the hamstring stretch reflex stopped helping). Dave has seen me fail lots of times trying to break weight off the floor on the DL.

I added box squats back in March, with chains and no gear at all. Result is raw squat has gone from ~415 to ~480. In the past two contests, on the DL I have easily pulled up 513 to above the knees, and failed there (so a new weak point to work on).

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