Friday, July 15, 2011

Luke 7-15-11 Press

Standing Press
95 x 5 @ 7
115 x 5 @ 9
125 x 4 @ 10+ WTF I can never get this weight for 5
115 x 5 @ 9+
115 x 5 @ 9-
So I've seen no improvement in standing press or push press over the past few months. It's kinda bullshit. Maybe it's because I went to the 2:50 am showing of HP7. I am always tired on press day though, so I think I would begin to see some progress.

Pause Bench with 2-3 second self imposed pause. Felt hard after press. I do incline on bench day instead.
135 x 5
155 x 5 @ 8
165 x 5 @ 10-
175 x 5 @ 10+
I'm pretty happy with the pause bench. I had no shoulder pain today and I kept a good tuck. I like doing some form of barbell bench twice a week. It gives me confidence.

Dumbbell Shoulder Press
35's x 8
45's x 8 x 2
50's x 8
I was surprised at how easy these felt. I am going to try to go heavier next week.

Weighted Pull Ups instead of rows because back was hurting from deadlift day, most likely deficit lifts. I used my homemade dip belt for these.
BW x 8
BW + 45 x 12 PR
BW + 45 x 8
BW + 45 x 5 fatigued from that PR I guess

Face Pulls
4 sets of 10

Incline Curls
35's x 6 x 3 need to do moooaaar curls naaauu


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