Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Luke 7-19-11 bench ed coan wk 5

185 x 5 @ 8+
185 x 5 @ 9-
the benches at this 24 are low and mess up my arch. My shoulder hurt a little today. Also there is no chest supported row machine or shrug machine... note to self: do not go to arcadia for bench day...

Close Grip Bench
165 x 5 @ 9-
165 x 5 @ 9-

Incline Bench
145 x 5 @ 8
145 x 5 @ 8

Isolateral Chest Supported Row kinda thing machine
3 plates per arm x 8 x 3

405 x 20 x 3



Ryan said...

isn't that second mental note not to go to arcadia on bench day, lol.

On another note, how is the shoulder feeling? Did you take any time off (I recommend)?

Luke said...

shoulder is feeling a little better in general. When I try to pull the bar apart it helps a lot. As long as I keep strict form it is ok. I don't wanna take time off bench if I can avoid it because my strength levels fall really fast in bench.

Luke said...

don't go to Arcadia on zercher squat days and don't go on bench days or days when you wanna do chest supported rows.