Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Deadlift  5 3

625 x 1
675 x 2 + 1f
675 x 2

Lots of personal problems on this. 625 felt solid. I was using the IPF-style bar for deadlifts, but its knurling was fairly smooth. By the time I hit 675, I couldn't hold on to the 3rd rep at the top. I was originally going for 5 as well, but my upper-back was shot. I've really been neglecting it in my workouts the past two cycles and I paid for it big time today.

After the first set, I felt strangely fine (usually I'm wrecked after a heavy set), so I switched out the bar for a better one with more knurling and did a double. Again, it was the upper back that failed first.

185 x 5
225 x 5, 5, 5

used their shrug bar/platform/handle things
450? x 4 sets til failure (~20)

Superset with Banded hamstring curls (4 sets).

Floor sweeper abs and stretching

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