Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Bench meh

Injury status:

left shoulder: 10%. I can't press at all without significant pain (strength is still there)
bicep tendons: 70%. no numbness (yay), but still some discomfort. full strength though
right triceps tendon: 80%. mild tendonitis, mostly during triceps exercises.

I tried just hitting the bar, but the rotator cuff would not have it. It's feeling better, but more rest is needed.

(Sort of) Arnold Press:
35s x 30
45s x 20
55s x 10
65 x 8
75 x 5, 6, 5

If i keep my elbows really close when pressing, the shoulder feels fine, so I did these just to do some sort of compound exercise. Stopped at 75s when I started feeling like stability might be an issue.

Dumbbell Row:
85 x 8 (no pain)
100 x 8
115 x 8
130 x 6?

Gotta keep working on these.

Superset rows with one-arm triceps extensions.

Superset curls (up to 60s) sets of 6 and cable triceps for sets of 30. I did a few very light cable flyes too just to flush the area with blood and maybe remind my pecs what they're there for. :/

Finished with ab wheel and pnf. I really hope this shoulder thing heals quickly.


Nick said...

=[ get better

when i hurt my cuff badly I took a few weeks off and started just pressing, benching F's up shoulders.

Vit said...

Dave you have to get better!!! Raw nationals is in 4.5 weeks...what's the game plan?

Greg said...

I think Dave is strong enough to own nationals, he just needs to be 100%.

For tricep tendonitis: Do heavy (sets of 10-12) tricep extension *negatives*. Pull down with the good arm and do a super slow negative with the bad arm.

Juggernaut, the said...

@Nick: the pain was random and not really associated with any movement. I just woke up one day and it hurt bad. I hadn't even benched the day before. Not sure what happened

@Vit: the plan is to win.

@Greg: the high rep sets and bands seem to help for me. Also, the pain isn't really any issue, as I can still go as heavy as I want without any side effects.

Kyle said...

Dave, have you been sleeping on the shoulder at all? I know some of my "injuries" have been exacerbated or healing by sleeping in different positions.

Juggernaut, the said...

I tried both sleeping on it (to limit night time mobility) and sleeping on the other shoulder. It feels about the same otherwise. I think it's healing ok, but isn't up to benching. I can at least do some pressing still.