Wednesday, October 7, 2009

10/7 Bench

Bench: 155x5, 5
185x3, 3
205x3, 3
215x1, 1

Manpon Press (close grip): 195x5
225x5 PR
235x2 (ugh)

Incline: 155x5
165x5, 5

Lat Cable Pushdowns: 80x10
100x10, 7

On the warm-up sets at 185, I finally felt my lats fire off the bottom, and these felt fast. However, I lost this elusive feeling as the weight went up. Need to work on it. Also, the manpon was done with a closer grip than usual, and I have to say that it felt a lot stronger/more stable than my regular grip for these. Don't know why :p

One thing that is incredibly sad though is my weak-ass bench. The floor presses at 195 were fairly easy, but 205 on bench feels like a ton of bricks. I need to figure something out.

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