Monday, March 8, 2010

3-7-10 Heavy Bench

190x3 with spot on last rep. Hopefully this twice a week benching will make me stronger, because I saw my friend who was weaker than me last year bench 225 for like 8 reps... Except he only went down to about 4 board height so I know I'm still stronger, but still I need to let him know that I'm stronger. I feel like I've been roughly the same strength for about a year in bench with no significant improvement.

Shoulder Press Machine
80 per side x 8
90 per side x 6
100 per side x 6
110 per side x 3 PR?

Dips felt easier after low volume bench


1 comment:

Juggernaut, the said...

Can you do 225 x 8 for partial reps?