Saturday, March 13, 2010

Bench Assistance

BW+45 x 7
BW+60 x 5
BW+70 x 5, 5

Skull crushers
80 x 7, 6, 6

Flat dumbbell press
50s x 10, 10

Dumbbell rows (standing) -tried using my dumbbell handle again
132 x 10
142 x 8
152 x 8
Had to regrip a couple times. The handle part of the dumbbell is way too long and I found out that there are other similar dumbbells with a smaller handle and more room to load plates. I ordered one of the smaller handle ones and will probably return this one since doing them with 45lb plates instead of 25s is kinda awkward and I think doing them standing as opposed to on a bench unnecessarily works the lower back.

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