Sunday, March 28, 2010

Lame Leg day

[from last friday]

I was at the med school gym after getting denied guest access to the regular gym. This meant no bumper plates or clean platform.

Hang Cleans:
135 x 3
155 x 1
185 x 2F + 1,
195 x 3F, 3F,
185, F + 1, F + 1, 1
175 x 1, 1, 1, 1 , 1, F + 1
(3F = 3 failed attempts of a single rep)

Not my proudest hang cleaning experience. I had a nasty sprain my lower trap that killed the mood, but I'm not using that as an excuse. My quad started getting irritated half way through the workout, so I stopped after cleans and just did a bunch of abs.

1 comment:

Jake Ceccarelli said...

Did you ever try the eccentric leg press and/or extension?