Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Now this is Bulking

Woman wants to reach 1,000lbs of bodyweight


Vit said...

Imagine how much leverage she would have on the bench press? Probably a 4 inch range of motion. But I guess getting on and off the bench would be an issue.

Kyle said...

4 inches??? Hell no. She'd just have to unrack the bar and take a deep breath to get it to touch. And are there any rules against having a crane set you down on the bench?

Luke said...

watch out clay

Juggernaut, the said...

@Clay: she will eat you.

Vit said...

Her 150 lb husband should start squatting her and gradually work up to a 1000 lb squat as she works up to 1000 lbs bodyweight.

Jake Ceccarelli said...

I hope no one here complains that they can't gain weight. She puts JM Blakely to shame...

Kyle said...

I want to know the secret to reaching 12,000 calories per day. I mean, does she drink oil? Or is it the 128oz Pepsi with the bucket of Popeye's?